João Veríssimo

I'm a researcher in psycholinguistics. My research focuses on how words are mentally represented and processed by monolingual and bilingual speakers. The main goals of my work are: (a) the description and explanation of contrasts between native speakers and second language learners; (b) the characterisation of individual differences in language and cognition; and (c) the development of computational models of morphology and lexicon.

I'm an assistant professor at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon.

I am also a guest scientist at the University of Potsdam (as part of the Collaborative Research Centre ‘Limits of variability in language’), and a statistical advisor for Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.

Here is a complete and updated CV. You can also find me on Google Scholar and ResearchGate.

Please contact me by email, if you have any questions.


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